Ontario Human Rights Code Resources

Working Together training module

The training module on the Code as it relates to people with disabilities was developed to address the requirement under section 7 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. It’s available at the Ontario Human Rights Commission website at: https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/learning/working-together-ontario-human-rights-code-and-accessibility-ontarians-disabilities-act

Disability and Human Rights brochure

An easy to read brochure outlining the requirements of the Code as it relates to people with disabilities. It can be used as a supplementary resource to the Working Together module, or small organizations might use it to train their employees and volunteers. Available at the Ontario Human Rights Commission website at: https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/disability-and-human-rights

Policy and guidelines on disability and the duty to accommodate

A comprehensive document providing guidance on interpreting and understanding the provisions of the Code related to people with disabilities. It sets out how individuals, employers, service providers, policy-makers and others should make sure they and their organizations comply with the Code. Go to: https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/policy-and-guidelines-disability-and-duty-accommodate