Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the section 7 training requirement of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR)?

Under section 7 organizations are required to train persons in their organization on:

  • the requirements of the regulation that apply to the organization’s business, and
  • the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.

The regulation requires that the training should be appropriate to the duties of the people being trained.

Training applies to:

  • All existing and new employees and volunteers, including paid and unpaid positions.
  • Anyone who participates in developing your organization’s policies, which might include managers, senior leaders, board members and owners.
  • Anyone who provides goods, services or facilities on behalf of your organization, such as contact centres as well as payroll and facilities management companies.

Organizations have the flexibility to determine the best training method for persons in their organization.

Organizations are required to train persons as soon as practical and possible, and provide updated training based on any changes to their policies on an ongoing basis.

All organizations (except small private and not-for-profit organizations with 1-49 employees) must keep records of the number of individuals who were trained, and the dates that training was provided.

What do the training resources on this site cover?

They address the section 7 requirement under the IASR that all organizations must provide training to employees, volunteers and others on the requirements of the regulation as it relates to a person’s duties. The training resources provide a basic overview of the requirements. Some individuals may need additional training on specific requirements that are appropriate to their duties.

Are these resources recognized by the Government of Ontario?

This website, the training modules and resources are recognized by the Government of Ontario. © King’s Printer for Ontario

Is training offered to address the other part of the section 7 requirement that has to do with the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities?

Yes. The Ontario Human Rights Commission developed, Working Together: The Code and the AODA, a video-based training module that specifically addresses that requirement. The module was developed in partnership with the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.

I’m responsible for implementing the section 7 requirement in my organization. Where do I start?

It’s recommended that you start by reading Your Guide to Section 7 Training. The guide is intended for the person or team in your organization who is responsible for setting up and running the training required under section 7. The guide outlines the requirements for this training and offers practical information and tips to help you set up a training program that meets the needs of your organization.

Why isn’t a confirmation or completion certificate provided at the end of the modules to prove the training was completed?

It is up to your organization to determine the training needs of your organization, how you may want to use the training tools to meet those needs, and how to record completion of the training.

Your Guide to Section 7 Training provides suggestions on how completions can be tracked. For example:

A sample completion certificate that may be used as proof of training is included in the guide. The certificate can be downloaded directly from the Training resources page of this site.

If your organization has a Learning Management System, the training modules can be downloaded to your system to track completions.

How do I download the modules to my organization’s Learning Management System?

Instructions to download the modules are provided on the Module downloads page.

Where can I find further details on the requirements of the regulation presented in the modules?

The training modules are intended to provide an outline of the requirements and may not include all the details for every specific requirement.

For complete details of the requirements, please refer to the regulation directly by going to, select a language, click on Search or Browse Current Consolidated Law, and type in “Integrated Accessibility Standards” or “Ontario Regulation 191/11”.

Or, refer to the Guide to the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation on the Government of Ontario’s website.

Who do I contact if I have a question about the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation?

The Government’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Contact Centre (ServiceOntario) is available to answer your questions on the accessibility standards.

  • Toll-free: 1-866-515-2025
  • TTY: 416-325-3408 / Toll-free: 1-800-268-7095
  • Fax: 416-325-3407

Who do I contact if I have a question about the resources on this site or if I have encountered a technical issue with this site or its content?

Please email the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility at: